Twitter is niet zo leuk meer als vroeger, maar zo af en toe levert het medium nog een pareltje op. De hashtag #jobinterviewattrumpcampaignhq is daar een goed voorbeeld van.
De hashtag werd in het leven geroepen door de Amerikaanse internetkrant Huffington Post, nadat Trump de omstreden campagneleider Corey Lewandowski ontslagen. Hoe zou zo'n sollicitatiegesprek met een aspirant campagneleider eruit zien? Wat zijn de toelatingseisen? Welke strikvragen worden er gesteld? Twitter geeft antwoord.
Lees ook: Donald Trump komt op met 2 Unlimited, Anita walgt ervan
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ Before we begin, let me just check with my card pic.twitter.com/O7RWmibdpR
Not Roger Smith (@JamesMorgan92) 21 juni 2016
"Tell me about your eagle-wrangling skill set..." #JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ @lancegould @HuffPostComedy pic.twitter.com/bGWQsrDHMQ Steve Williams (@swillmedia) 21 juni 2016
"Please fill in the countries on this blank world map."#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ
ANSWER KEY --> pic.twitter.com/DH9ojmOo0Z
Eric Wolfson (@EricWolfson) 21 juni 2016
What's your favorite rare animal to kill? #JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ pic.twitter.com/PcKJ5dhNB0 Dan Kostka (@danielkostka) 21 juni 2016
How familiar are you with our employee handbook?#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ @HuffpostComedy pic.twitter.com/xbPt82roHm
Can't Drive 4.5 (@JDWilkinsonII) 21 juni 2016
Would you be okay with Mr. Trump "dating" his own daughter? #JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ @HuffPostComedy pic.twitter.com/HBNSuKxCxy Portmanteau Jones (@SadlyCatless) 21 juni 2016
I'm a 35 year old woman & can be a great asset #JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ @lancegould @HuffPostComedy pic.twitter.com/MrRlfblflC
Jillian?? (@Pheramuse) 21 juni 2016
No I don't mind being humiliated in public. Why do you ask?#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ @HuffPostComedy pic.twitter.com/nxeFo3wkCB Chuy Biscochitos (@krodNM) 21 juni 2016
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ Can you throw an election, but make it look like we weren't trying to lose? pic.twitter.com/8aWPgB3dbL
Honest Hillary (@Honest_Hillary) 21 juni 2016
Can you make a taco bowl as good as Hispanics? #JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ @HuffPostComedy pic.twitter.com/fwutKEfqNh Greg (@GregGonsky) 21 juni 2016
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ "I'm gonna ask you a few questions. And then Sean is gonna explain what I mean, OK?" pic.twitter.com/gH8r5VgCkZ
TheValuesVoter (@TheValuesVoter) 21 juni 2016
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ "Talk about a time when immigrants made your life difficult & how you overcame them" pic.twitter.com/9q2Qs5pNo9 Buh Bye GOP (@BuhByeGOP) 21 juni 2016
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ We have a strict dress code. pic.twitter.com/dyJ54w0tOY
Sharon Chabot (@nhdogmom) 21 juni 2016
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ Please list all the groups you are prepared to hate and discriminate against. pic.twitter.com/vEbSwIXIAs Sharon Chabot (@nhdogmom) 21 juni 2016
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ Can you build a wall? pic.twitter.com/hBNdxmAHpv
Zee (@growingupzee) 21 juni 2016
#JobInterviewAtTrumpCampaignHQ Is President Obama: A) A Muslim B) The Lizard King C) About To Invade Texas... Again D) All Of The Above
(((R.Saddler))) (@Politics_PR) 21 juni 2016